Hey! I guess I could tell you a little bit about me. I live in Tennessee, have a wonderful husband, Dennis, and three preciously mischievous cats. The oldest is named Remy (after the rat on Ratatouille). The middle cat is Pumpkin, and the baby is Minnie. All three are rescues and all three are black (black cats and dogs are the last ones picked at a shelter...you should adopt a black dog or cat..they are wonderful!) My husband and I are serious Disney Fans! There are some incredible chefs and menus at Disney World. I enjoy the writings of John and Stasi Eldredge, Philip Yancy, and C.S Lewis. I also enjoy some of Michael Crichton's and Robin Cook's work. I love cooking and find it therapeutic. I enjoy eating and exploring good wine. I like entertaining, a good meal, and the sweet company of old friends.
I'm a girl who loves her Jesus so very much, and I'm so grateful that God loved me so much that He would make a plan to save me from sin and death. Through Jesus I'm covered with His grace and righteousness- such good news!!! (He's done the same for you too!) I pray for a heart after His.