Sometimes I think God puts the most curious situations together, and then reveals the Aha! meaning behind His plan at the most perfect moment.
I had been wanting a pet for a long time. My best dog, Muffy, died when I was in college and I still get a little teary eyed thinking about it. Since then I had not had a pet. I love pets- dogs, cats, hampsters, frogs, turtles...it really doesn't matter. It became more important to me to have a pet since there are not children in my future for various reasons- my health being the most significant. I very much wanted something to mommy. I informed my husband that I fully anticipated Christmas gifts from our future pet and a surprise "mother's day card from the cat."
I had been wanting a pet for a long time. My best dog, Muffy, died when I was in college and I still get a little teary eyed thinking about it. Since then I had not had a pet. I love pets- dogs, cats, hampsters, frogs, turtles...it really doesn't matter. It became more important to me to have a pet since there are not children in my future for various reasons- my health being the most significant. I very much wanted something to mommy. I informed my husband that I fully anticipated Christmas gifts from our future pet and a surprise "mother's day card from the cat."
Well, over the course of a few months God brought certain things to light. He waited until it would best capture my attention before revealing something He has been trying to get through to me for years.
My husband, who would rather not have pets- except for maybe a turtle- finally said, "Tracy, you can get a cat." The words I had been wanting and waiting to hear for quite some time. The more I thought about this cat the more I had decided to love it. I didn't have any idea what it would look like- would it be a cat or a kitten?- would it be fat or skinny?- would it lounge around or would it be playful?...I really didn't know and at that point I didn't care. I was merely determined to love it- and I had never even seen it.
Time goes by and I anticipated going to pick out my new cat. I almost couldn't stand the wait; and a few times I begged my husband to just go ahead and get it. Needless to say he encouraged me to wait (we had flooring to replace first).
I had spotted a few cats at PetsMart that I was certain were just right; but we had to wait till the carpet was installed and I was back from my trip to Louisville. I prayed that God would give us the right cat. I went back to PetsMart later and the ones I had my eye on were gone. Sigh...
The carpet was installed and now I was free to find my cat. I called a number that a friend had given me of a lady who had a little kitten for adoption; but I was not able to see it that night which, in my impatience, lead me to petfinder.com. It was full of adoptable kittens. I found one that perked my interest. I got an appointment to visit a rescuer that Tuesday.
The carpet was installed and now I was free to find my cat. I called a number that a friend had given me of a lady who had a little kitten for adoption; but I was not able to see it that night which, in my impatience, lead me to petfinder.com. It was full of adoptable kittens. I found one that perked my interest. I got an appointment to visit a rescuer that Tuesday.
The first cat I thought would be a pleasant match ignored me. Here I am ready to love this animal and it could care less. Then this beautiful Turkish Angora cat walks right up to me nuzzles my nose and allows me snuggle up to it. This cat was elegant. Completely white fur that feels like angora (hence the name) with a pink nose and paws. This was the cat- it must be.
Then I felt this touch on my shoulder and I turned around expecting to see the rescuer's son behind me. Instead it was a plain black kitten tapping me on the shoulder. So I think- "well isn't this cute." I set him in my lap and continued my attentions to the lovely, graceful cat.
The black kitten looked up at me and then snuggled down into my lap. I started petting him while he sat contently on my lap. He was so tiny. You could still feel his bones. He was rescued very young and was on a bottle.
The rescuer said, "I always like the black cats. I know that there are so many of them, but I love them. They are kinda like the black labs at the rescue center. They always get picked last because they are so common."
She said that she would make the offer to her husband to see if he would give up Oscar, the elegant cat; but if he wanted to keep that one- then what? I said I would probably take this little kitten. I picked the kitten out of my lap and place him back on the couch. He climbed back into my lap. I said, "Well, maybe he has chosen me."
I went home thinking about the two cats and which I would rather have. I was in my prayer closet talking to God about it.
I went home thinking about the two cats and which I would rather have. I was in my prayer closet talking to God about it.
"The Angora is the most beautiful cat. What a joy to have this graceful creature in my home. The other one is not nearly as pretty, kinda skinny and plain brown eyes," I thought. Then I felt a twinge of pain as I thought, "I have plain, brown eyes."
"But I look at what is on the inside not the outward appearance"--sometimes I think God is almost audible. I almost looked around the room to see if He was sitting in there. Even more poiniant- that was the very point of my devotional that morning. So I finished my prayer asking that if God did not want me to have the graceful Angora that he would not let the man want to give it away.
I visited two more cats the following day, because this was a big decision for me and I wanted to make sure that I had viewed all my options.
I visited two more cats the following day, because this was a big decision for me and I wanted to make sure that I had viewed all my options.
At this point you are probably wondering why I didn't just take the kitten. Well, sometimes I can be a little hard headed. I'm awfully glad that God protects me from myself and that He takes me to where I need to be, and gives me what I need.
Thursday night I called the rescuer back to find out what her husband had decided. He thought she had lost her mind to suggest getting rid of his favorite cat. I told her that I completely understood. I told her that I would be so happy to have the little black kitten.
Thursday night I called the rescuer back to find out what her husband had decided. He thought she had lost her mind to suggest getting rid of his favorite cat. I told her that I completely understood. I told her that I would be so happy to have the little black kitten.
Before I hung up I felt compelled to tell her that I intended on naming the cat Remy. You see, I was able to name him. He didn't already come with a name. He was too little. I was adopting him and I wanted him called by the name I gave him. Sounds familiar doesn't it... "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!" (Is. 43:1b, NASB)
Through this little cat story God made it very clear to me that before I was here, alive, around- He loved me. "Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love." (Eph. 1:4, Amp.) This kitten was just 8 weeks old and I was determined to love it several months before I had seen him.
God also does not look at the outside, but the inside of a person. His word says, "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him" (2 Chronicles 2:9, NIV, emphasis mine). It also says, "The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the innermost parts of his being" (Proverbs 20:27, NASB).
And finally, He wants us with Him so badly that He is preparing a place for us even now. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3, NIV). He's probably waiting on the carpet!
So, it took a little while for me to get it; but He taught me a lot about Himself and His heart toward me through this little cat story.
Congratulations on your new blog, Tracy! So exciting!!