Saturday, May 29, 2010

What do you Love?

I am re-reading Waking the Dead by John Elderedge. It is one of my favorite books. Today it had an assignment for me...:

"Take a moment, set down the book, and make a list of all the things you love. Don't edit yourself; don't worry about prioritizing or anything of that sort. simply think of all the things you love. Whether it's the people in your life or the things that bring you joy or the places that are dear to you or your God, you could not love them if you did not have a heart. A life filled with loving is a life most like the one that God lives, which is life as it was meant to be (Eph. 5:1-2). And loving requires a heart alive and awake and free." (Elderedge, John, Waking the Dead, pgs. 47-48)

So I decided to do just that! I want to share with you the things I love and any of these resonate with you? I would love for you to send your "loves" in the comments if you feel comfortable, of course.

I love:
...nature- being surprised by it. Like flowers popping up in the desert, elk in the snow, the chipmunks and birds in my back yard. I love the beach- the sound of waves crashing on the shore literally lowers my blood pressure. I believe that it reminds me of my Savior's voice- the sound of rushing water. I love the feel of sand beneath my toes and the foamy water tickling my ankles. I love the slow, long sips of coffee in the morning and red wine at sunset...prairies, sea oats blowing in the sticky, salty breeze, a crisp fall morning, walking in cool grass on a summer night, the music of cicadas and tree frog that I've only ever heard in the South, the feel of my momma's and daddy's arms about me in a loving husband's heart-which now brings tears to my eyes. It is beautiful and strong. I cannot even speak to it fully. There are no words- only God will be able to tell him on the white stone he will receive. cats- God teaches me constantly through them. I love seeing how they show forth God's creative glory-millions of tiny strands of fur, pointy, satellite dish ears, soft paws, the sweet sound of purring, the gentle lift of black tummies as air goes in and out and my favorite little sweetness- the shape of their mouths that stay in a constant smile....

Well, my list can go on and on; but these are some of the things that stir my heart in awe of my God. I love how He loves me- passionately, relentlessly, powerfully- beautifully. He is my God- my treasure- my Reward! tell me...What do you love?...

1 comment:

  1. Wow what I love? deep question and seemly endless answers but in short...

    I Love WDW, I love reading about WDW and hear friends share experience there. I love the feeling of walking on Disney property and the peace and happiness that comes with it. I love video editing, a new hobby I do for my church. I love creating something and sharing it with others. I love giving to others, probably my greatest joy is empting my heart out to others. Quiet time with God cannot be put into words about the warmth and love I feel. I love joy my pets share with me as they welcome me home. I love my wife for her patience and strength. I'm not sure where I would stop on this list because as I ask God to shine and live through me He continues to give me more thinks to Love. So in closeing like everytime I pray I want to say Thank you. I am thankful to God for him sharing his Love with me and through me, and Thank you Tracy for asking us to stop an take a moment and share, this has really warmed my heart with LOVE.:)

    God Bless,

    Michael and Kacey Picou
